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There is no evolution of Girafarig in Pokemon.But if your talking about the pokedex then the next Pokemon is Hippopotas

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Q: What is the Pokemon after girafarig in platinum?
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What is Pokemon 121 on Pokemon Platinum?

Its Girafarig. It can be found on Route 221, or on Valor Lakefront.

What Pokemon evolves into girafarig?

No Pokemon evolves into Girafarig or does Girafarig evolve at all.

What level does girafarig evolve on Pokemon platinum?

garifarig can't evolve. but they have decint attacks and can be found in route 214

What type of Pokemon is Girafarig?

Girafarig is a Normal and Psychic type pokemon.

What level does girafarig evolve on Pokemon pearl?

Girafarig doesn't evolve.

Is girafarig a mythical Pokemon?

No it is not.

What level does girafarig evolve into on pokemon diamond?

Girafarig doesn't evolve at all.

What is 121 on the pokedex bloody platinum?

#121 on the pokedex in bloody platinum is Girafarig which can be cought by valor lakefront.

What Pokémon's have the ability early bird in Pokemon platinum?

Dodoe, dodrio, girafarig, houndour, houndoom, Ledyba, ledian, Kangaskhan, natu, nuzleaf, seedot, shiftry and xatu.

What is the national pokedex number for Girafarig?

Girafarig is #203 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal-Psychic type Pokemon.

What level does girafarig evolve in sapphire?

Girafarig will never evolve in sapphire or in any other Pokemon version.

Does Girafirig evolve?

Girafarig does not evolve to any Pokemon.