The Finnish word voodoo means voodoo in English.
Helki is not Finnish
The English translation of the Finnish word "bussiakatauklut" is "Bus Schedules." You can translate more words from Finnish to English at the Google Translate website.
The word for ilves in English is lynx.
a knife
Kaamos - Finnish band - was created in 1977.
kaamos sounds like ka mos
Kaamos - Kaamos album - was created in 2002.
The Finnish word voodoo means voodoo in English.
Helki is not Finnish
'Lapplander' in Finnish is 'lappalainen'.
The English translation of the Finnish word "bussiakatauklut" is "Bus Schedules." You can translate more words from Finnish to English at the Google Translate website.
Servo in Finnish is a loan-word from the English word servomechanism or servo.
The word for ilves in English is lynx.
'Manslaughter' in Finnish is 'tappo/tappaminen' or 'kuolemantuottamus'.