Revelation chapter 13 talks of the number of the name of the beast, and verse 18 in most modern Bibles gives this number as 666. However, some early manuscripts give the number of the beast as 616. The reason for this number is unclear, but some believe that by attributing a number to each letter of the alphabet, it probably identifies a Roman emperor or some other enemy.
Many Possible Interpretations See the Related Link " 666" for quite a few interpretations on this theory. One that is missed (at least as of this writing) is that the number 6 is considered the "number of man," one step shy of perfection (represented by the number 7). Having three 6's, according to this theory, indicates that the AntiChrist will be a man trying to become God.
Another Answer:
Revelation 13:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast [how many are under his power]: for it is the number of a man [it's people]; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. [decimal 66.6=percentage of the world population 66.6% or 2/3 of the world, the other 1/3 of the world claim a connection with God.]
All people in your immediate family [legally under marriage, your offspring], have your last name, so they are the number of your name.
To see this term used in The Bible, so that we understand how God uses the term, see Numbers 1.
Another View:
The number itself means nothing. Since "7"is the Number of God and "6" is the Number of Man, and "3" is used for completeness, this means that "666" [the number of a man] will be completely and utterly a human being and not God.
Never. It's the Devils number. And he is bad
The combination of the mysterious suitcase is "666", the "number of the beast.
The product is 666
Revelation refers to 666 as the number or name of the wild beast with 7 heads and 10 horns that comes out of the sea. This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over,every tribe, people, tongue, and nation.
In the Bible, 666 is the number of the devil.
Never. It's the Devils number. And he is bad
I would consider it bad.... my mother says it is a demonic number...
According to the Christian Bible, 666 is associated with Satan so for most people, it is bad luck.
666 is beleived to be bad because it referenced in the Bible, Book of Revelations as the number (symbol0 of the devil.
The number 7 means spiritual perfection; so the number 6 mean imperfection, or basically man without God. The number 3 means completeness. So, the number 666 means complete imperfection.666 is really bad because its the mark of the beast also known as Satan. As stated in rev 13-18, 'this calls for wisdom.If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number.His number is 666.'
no the devil's number is the house he lives at his mobile number is07717628363
666 - 666 = 0
The combination of the mysterious suitcase is "666", the "number of the beast.
It is said that 666 is the devils number.
666 is supposedly the number of the devil. The movie with this title is about all the terrible things the devil causes and the bad luck bestowed upon those who become acquaintances with him.
Nelson Mandela did not join 666. His prison number had 666 in it, which he had no control of.