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An adapter pattern is a structural design pattern which translates one interface for a class into a compatible interface.

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Daphne Bergstrom

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2y ago
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Q: What is pattern adaptation?
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When a deer runs in a zigzag pattern when being chased by predators what type of adaptation is this?

This is a behavioural adaptation.

Is adaptation a reason why no two zebras have the exact pattern of strips?

No, adaptation would pressure all zebras to adapt the same 'best' pattern. Variability is the reason for different patterns.

What type of color adaptation does a zebra have?

Pattern in such a way that a group of zebra together confuse a predator.

Is camouflage a structural or behavioral adaptation?

Structural, because structural adaptation is adjustments to internal or external physical structures (texture color etc.). Camouflage is any coloring shape or pattern that allows an organism to blend in.

What is an adaptation of a firefly?

Fireflies are best known for adaptation to produce light. Male fireflies flash their abdomens in patterns, hoping to attract the attention of a female who is hiding in the grass. A female will return the pattern if she is interested in one of the males.

Is the viceroys adaptation as effective as the monarchs?

Yes, The viceroy's adaptation of mimicry is as effective as the monarch's unpleasant taste because though the viceroy is not poisonous the birds who have tasted/fed on the monarch will avoid the viceroy due to the similar wing pattern.

How as a quagga evolved?

The Quagga's distinct coat pattern perhaps evolved rapidly because of geographical isolation or adaptation to a drier enviroment.

What is adaptation not?

Adaptation is not edible.

Is a skunk's smell a physical adaptation or behavioral adaptation?

Behavioral adaptation

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What is mimicry adaptation?

A Mimicry Adaptation

What adaptation is hibernating?

Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation. A behavioral adaptation is when a animal changes its behavior.