It means telesnyc. When a movie tag with ts, it means that the movie is only a camera copy or with low quality of video.
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A telesync (TS)[1] is a bootleg recording of a film recorded in a movie theater, often (although not always) filmed using a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, the audio of a TS is captured with a direct connection to the sound source (often an FM microbroadcast provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theater). Sometimes the bootlegger will tape or conceal wireless microphones close to the speakers for better sound quality.
basically the scene where neil sh*ts in the "babies toilet" has been removed
Gilles de la Tourette syndromePhoebe doesn't have a 'disease' - She has the neuro-developmental disorder Tourette syndrome. TS is partly inherited and affects around 1 in 100, more commonly boys and varies considerably between people. It is usually diagnosed in childhood. Phoebe has symptoms typical of the type of TS where simple overt motor tics (movements) are less prominent but the obsessive-compulsive symptoms and complex tics are more dominant. In people with this phenotype of TS the symptoms tend to be more internalised. Children with TS tend to be bright, quick thinking and often very talkative but often have attention difficulties. Many with TS also have difficulties that are also common in autism especially literal thinking and sometimes problems understanding other's actions, responses, intentions and also social protocol and following 'rules'. Phoebe has many vocal tics as well as the busy and expansive thoughts typical of TS. She doesn't have coprolalia (swearing is a rare aspect of TS) but has vocal tics known as non-obscene socially inappropriate tics (NOSI) and also displays the dysinhibited responses, thoughts and emotional reactivity that characterise the reduced ability to filter neural activity in TS. The rest is all Phoebe's imagination.
A telesync (TS)[1] is a bootleg recording of a film recorded in a movie theater, often (although not always) filmed using a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, the audio of a TS is captured with a direct connection to the sound source (often an FM microbroadcast provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theater). Sometimes the bootlegger will tape or conceal wireless microphones close to the speakers for better sound quality.this is a TSRiP...
A TS file stands for tele-sync.
You could try VDownloader.
TS stands for TeleSync. It's a term used to describe movie formats CAM stands for a recorded movie via a low quality, home camera. TS CAM stands for an edited, slightly enhanced CAM.
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TS is also known by the names tuberous sclerosis complex and Bourneville's disease.
TS means TeleSync, it´s a camera version("cam") of a movie but with separate audio added. Xvid is a popular video codec. Use Google if you want to know more.
An organism with the genotype TtSs can produce four types of gametes: TS, Ts, tS, and ts. These gametes result from the different combinations of alleles on the homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
TS means Training Ship programme by the various groups like TS Chanakya,TS Rehman affiliated to university of MUmbai.
TS refers to a "telesync" copy of a movie that has been recorded in a cinema. XViD is a codec used to compress video files. "Imagine" could be the name of the release group that made the copy.
A telesync (TS)[1] is a bootleg recording of a film recorded in a movie theater, often (although not always) filmed using a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, the audio of a TS is captured with a direct connection to the sound source (often an FM microbroadcast provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theater). Sometimes the bootlegger will tape or conceal wireless microphones close to the speakers for better sound quality.