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The legal definition of child abuse can be complex and is determined by state law. Many states have included forms of "emotional abuse" under their definitions of child abuse, so you can imagine how tricky that interpretation can be. Note also the difficulty state legislatures have had in respecting religious practices that rely on prayer or other alternatives to traditional medicine, particularly when the subject of the alternative approach is a sick child. For a more definitive answer to your question, find your state's statutes on the internet and do a search using the terms child abuse or neglect.

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Q: What is legally considered child abuse?
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Is it abuse to slap a child and leave a bruise?

Yes, in most places it is legally considered abuse to strike a child in anyway that leaves bruising. It is also illegal to strike them in many ways that do not leave a bruise as well.

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The physical striking of a child can be considered abuse. Ignoring a child is neglect, but if the child comes to harm while being ignored that can be considered abuse.

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Yes, corporal punishment is considered abuse in the context of child discipline as it can cause physical and emotional harm to the child.

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Anyone can report abuse. Only police and district attorneys can file charges.

That kids are allowed to be hit?

if it is diciplenary by the child's parents yes(like spanking), but if it is parental abuse or abuse from any other person it is considered child abuse

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Yes it could.

What are the legal issues for child abuse?

Legal issues regarding child abuse generally revolve around what counts as child abuse and what doesn't. For example, some people consider spanking child abuse while others consider it an acceptable form of punishment. Constitutional protections of the parent-child relationship and privacy in the home must also be legally balanced with the welfare of the child.

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abuse the child mentally or physically

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Yes the child support can be revoked since the parent receiving support is no longer legally supporting the child

Is slapping a 7 yr old child in the face considered child abuse in Kentucky?

Yes, it is. Slapping your child is physically abusing them.