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Its a Pokémon

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Q: What is garitina?
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Related questions

What happens when you kill garitina on diamond?

If you kill Garitina on diamond, you will kill am and never have him. i would recommend saving before you catch Garitina.

How do you get garitina in white version Pokemon?

You can't catch Garitina on Pokemon White.

Where to catch garitina?

Well to get Garitina use the master ball to catch Garitina or some dusks balls or timer balls or some quick balls.

What city is garitina in?

Garitina appears after you beat the Elite Four. It will be under Hearthome city i believe.

Can garitina evolvein Pokemon Pearl?

No. He can not.

How do you get garitina sky form?

you cant.

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How do you get into sunnyshore city in platinum?

catch or defete garitina

How do you catch Garitina in Pokemon Platinum?

u cant

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How do you get giritina in Pokemon Ranger?

Garitina is a Generation IV pokemon, and therefore is not present in Pokemon Ranger (A Generation III Game) Garitina is not present in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia either. In Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, you were able to get a ranger net mission from a wifi event which featured garitina.

When does garitina learn Draco meteor?

Giratina has to trust you enough.