Merci.The English phrase "thank you" is translated to merci in French.
The left in most cultures,the same hand and finger as his wife
Not by several thousand miles. On the other hand, French Polynesia (a French Territory) IS in the Pacific.
"live free or die"
A beast with two backs is a term, originating in the works of Shakespeare, for two people engaging in sexual intercourse - a phrase translated from the original French phrase by Rabelais.
laze faire
gluten free is spelled "sans gluten".
something hand finished
French: voici ma main English: here is my hand
"Phrase" is called "phrase" in French.
A compound phrase consists of two or more words that work together to function as a single unit or convey a single idea. A free phrase, on the other hand, is a group of words that can stand alone and convey meaning independently.
"In the hand" is a prepositional phrase ("in" being a preposition and "hand" being the object of the preposition.)
Literally means "white card."From the French, the idiom "carte blanche" indicates complete freedom to act, or unrestricted discretion. This is similar in use to the English phrase "blank check". The phrase refers to a blank but signed agreement that the bearer could fill in as he wished.Example : "When it came to the team's hotel selection, the coach had carte blanche."It means you have a free hand, you can do what you want.
The phrase "les deux" translates to "the two" in English.
'une phrase'