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carte blanche - champ libre

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Q: What is french phrase a free hand?
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Government should give merchants a free hand to produce and sell their goods openly in the world market the french phrase for leave alone?


The idea that government should give merchants a free hand to produce and shell their goods openly in the world market the french phrase for leave along?


The idea that government should give merchants a free hand to produce and sell their goods openly in the world market the french phrase for leave alone?

laze faire

What is the french phrase for gluten free?

gluten free is spelled "sans gluten".

What does the phrase Monte fini main mean in French?

something hand finished

How do you say the French phrase voici ma main in English?

French: voici ma main English: here is my hand

What is phrase called in French?

"Phrase" is called "phrase" in French.

Difference between compound and free phrase?

A compound phrase consists of two or more words that work together to function as a single unit or convey a single idea. A free phrase, on the other hand, is a group of words that can stand alone and convey meaning independently.

Is in the hand an adjectival phrase?

"In the hand" is a prepositional phrase ("in" being a preposition and "hand" being the object of the preposition.)

What is the meaning of the french words carte blanche?

Literally means "white card."From the French, the idiom "carte blanche" indicates complete freedom to act, or unrestricted discretion. This is similar in use to the English phrase "blank check". The phrase refers to a blank but signed agreement that the bearer could fill in as he wished.Example : "When it came to the team's hotel selection, the coach had carte blanche."It means you have a free hand, you can do what you want.

What does the phrase les deux translate to in English?

The phrase "les deux" translates to "the two" in English.

How do you spell phrase in French?

'une phrase'