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the another meaning or word of exquisite is EXTRAORDINARY .. because me as a person living and existing ti this world I am a extraordinary person .. why ? because I'm me .. and that makes me feel exquisite !! that's it !

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15y ago

Squisito is an Italian equivalent of the English word "exquisite."

Specifically, the Italian word is the masculine form of an adjective. The pronunciation is "skwee-ZEE-toh." The feminine form, squisita, is pronounced "skwee-ZEE-tah."

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un diamant exquis

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exquis means exquisite, delicious in French. There is no relation to horses.

How do you say diamond in French?

A diamond is spelled 'un diamant' (masc.) in French.

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"Diamand rouge" is French for "red diamond".

How do say you are exquisite in french?

vous êtes délicieuse / délicieux

How can you use the word exquisite?

Exquisite is an adjective and adjectives, as my English teacher used to say, are describing words. So, you can use the word 'exquisite' about something that is more than just lovely, for example, a diamond. You could say, "Her engagement ring is exquisite." Or, you could use it about a piece of fine art, or a beautiful building. It's about emphasising the loveliness of something. Imagine the most beautiful painting you can, for example, the Mona Lisa. Whilst standing gazing at its beauty, you might say, "Isn't it exquisite?"

How do you say diamond vault in French?

In architecture, diamond vault is translated 'voûte diamant' in French.

'Exquisite' in a sentence?

The exquisite workmanship inspired awe in all who looked at it. The flavor combination was exquisite.

How can you use exquisite in a sentence?

Those curtains are exquisite.

What is the suffix for exquisite?

The suffix for "exquisite" is "-ite."

How do you call diamond in French?
