the another meaning or word of exquisite is EXTRAORDINARY .. because me as a person living and existing ti this world I am a extraordinary person .. why ? because I'm me .. and that makes me feel exquisite !! that's it !
The duration of Exquisite Sinner is 3600.0 seconds.
French Kiss, the movie starring Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline and Suzan Anbeh, was released in 1995. The type of engagement ring the character Juliette has in the movie was a diamond ring. The diamond has been described as being so small it was the size of a period.
Moulin Rouge was a famous French cabaret, which was founded in 1889. The star of the show was called "Sparkling Diamond." She was known for putting on a very classy act. However, there was another group of dancers known for putting on a little bit of a trashier show. They played off of the name Sparkling Diamond, and in contrast called themselves the Diamond Dogs. Out of the Diamond Dogs, there were four known for putting on especially lower class shows, and they were known as "The Four Whores of the Apocalypse." There was later a David Bowie album by the same name that paid tribute to the Diamond Dogs.
You grind a diamond by using drills or a diamond grinding cup wheel. A diamond grinding cup wheel is a metal-bonded diamond tool with diamond segments welded or cold-pressed on a steel.
no a diamond is not magenitic
The sparkling of her eyes far outshone her exquisite diamond necklace. Wasn't that an exquisite meal?
exquis means exquisite, delicious in French. There is no relation to horses.
A diamond is spelled 'un diamant' (masc.) in French.
"Diamand rouge" is French for "red diamond".
vous êtes délicieuse / délicieux
Exquisite is an adjective and adjectives, as my English teacher used to say, are describing words. So, you can use the word 'exquisite' about something that is more than just lovely, for example, a diamond. You could say, "Her engagement ring is exquisite." Or, you could use it about a piece of fine art, or a beautiful building. It's about emphasising the loveliness of something. Imagine the most beautiful painting you can, for example, the Mona Lisa. Whilst standing gazing at its beauty, you might say, "Isn't it exquisite?"
In architecture, diamond vault is translated 'voûte diamant' in French.
The exquisite workmanship inspired awe in all who looked at it. The flavor combination was exquisite.
Those curtains are exquisite.
The suffix for "exquisite" is "-ite."