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There are two types of electronic counting, voltage-pulse and electro-optical counting systems. In both systems, the collected blood is diluted and counted by passing the blood through an electronic counter.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There are two types of electronic counting, voltage-pulse and electro-optical counting systems.

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Q: What is electronic counting of platelets?
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Continue Learning about Movies & Television

What does the Buffy Coat Contains?

It contains white blood cells and platelets.

When is 20 kids and counting coming on TV?

20 Kids and Counting had to go back to 19 Kids and Counting because Michelle had a miscarriage with her twentieth child, Jubilee.

What are they counting in the HSM2 What is What Edition?

They are counting how many different hats Kelsi and Ryan wear in the movie. It was a tie!!

What are the ratings and certificates for The Counting House - 2007?

The Counting House - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: Italy:T

What is the least common multiple of the first twelve counting numbers?

The LCM of the first twelve counting numbers is 27720

Related questions

What is the most common method of platelet counting?

Electronic counting of platelets is the most common method.

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Do turtles change their shells?

No, With turtles the shell is part of the animal's bone structure and is alive. The platelets making up the shell grow with the animal and you can age the turtle by counting the rings making up the platelets.

Is electronic counter and frequency counter are same?

Probably the same. A frequency counter is specifically intended to count frequencies, but an electronic counter could be counting anything.

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DRE voting machines

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What are the 2 methods of fetal monitoring counting?

The two methods of fetal monitoring counting are electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), which uses ultrasound to track the baby's heart rate, and counting fetal movements, which involves the mother keeping track of the baby's movements to ensure they are active and healthy.

Why are platelets important when you have a cut?

Platelets help heal your wound, the scabs that form are the platelets

What are microcytic platelets?

platelets that are smaller in size than your average platelets... Can be associated with aplastic anemia.

What cellular component in the blood is crucial in blood clotting?


What is the count of platelets in hemophilia patient?

because there is only the defects in function of platelets in hemophilia and not reduction in number of platelets!