Blocking relates to the action in a play. Some directors are very specific such as 'After this line, stand and move over to the fireplace' while others will allow the actors more leeway. It can take several rehearsals before the blocking is finalised as the actors and director will try out different things during the rehearsal process.
The Stage Manager or Deputy Stage Manager is responsible for recording the blocking so the actors and director remember what they did last time. This is done using one of various styles of picture notation and always in pencil so changes can be recorded.
Blocking will usually be finalised before opening night, except for some types of improvised theatre.
As the play is not usually rehearsed in the venue, with all the props and furniture, the stage management crew will also mark out the stage to show where things will be.
Final blocking is done during the technical rehearsal, where all the lighting, sound effects and set changes will be finalised and the actors have a chance to rehearse in the venue with all the set etc in place.
Technical term for animation is "while the animation is running."
Animation Technology is a technology used in making animation to improve the traditional.
Animation done by Pixar.
Despicable Me uses CGI animation.
Two stars orbiting each other so that one regularly passes in front of the other blocking out some or all of light of the hidden star. See related link for an animation.
There are lots of animation schools, both physical and online. Computer animation, especially 3D animation, has a great future.
CGI animation already gives off a 3D look. 3D animation wouldn't be successful without traditional animation.
Technical term for animation is "while the animation is running."
She showed no animation as he told the story. They used animation to create a story on the screen.
3D animation
Animation Technology is a technology used in making animation to improve the traditional.
it is Picasso Animation College and Studiosoffering professional courses in animation and multimedia, digital animation, game design, VFX.
There are a lot of animation companies in the US that can create animated video games. Powerhouse Animation Studios, Cartoon Animation and Disney animation are few of them.
Flipbooks are a form of animation.