Hazel, they're a dark green/amber with a significant amount of brown around the pupil (central heterochromia)
Janet Jackson
Usually dark brown, but they can be pale blue. This is called a wall eye, and horses can have just one (the other eye being brown) wall eyes work perfectly well
It changes colour for 2 reasons. 1) When Syncing the controller it will cycle through the colours to find the most suitable colour for the playing environment. This is to enable the highest possible visibility to the PlayStation Eye. 2) When the controller is being shared, the sphere can change colour to match each user to a different colour. This enables the users to identify whose turn it is easily.
The orb on the PlayStation Move controller will change colour to differ as much as possible from the background so the PlayStation Eye camera can detect it more easily. It will also change colour when playing a PlayStation Move title using PS Move.
Likely kohl as it is a ancient product still used today, possibly also ancient Egyptian cosmetics.
Beyonces fav flower is a rose white are her favourite colour roses but roses !! Xx
Fazer's eye colour is brown, Tulisa's eye colour is blue and Dappy's eye colour is brown
The colour of Mad-Eye-Moody's special eye is 'ELECTRIC BLUE'
Beyonce's current hair colour is Brown but her natural hair colour was blonde.
Your eye colour could change ...... depending on who your are . (Jacob Black is AWESOME)
her hair colour is blonde and her eye colour is blue
eye colour, hair colour, language spoken, skin colour and others
The iris is the colour part of the eye.
Eye colour can change with exposure to the sun. Sunlight stimulates melanin production in the eye which results in a change of colour.
her favourite eye colour is brown and blue
The part of your eye that controlls your eye colour is called: The Iris