Height and weight of a Rottweiler dog can vary, the genetic make up of their parents is a big factor, and also a good diet, need to be taken into consideration.
A females height is on average 22-25 inches. Weight 42kg (92 pounds)
A Males height is on average 24-27 inches. Weight 50 kg (110 Pounds)
A dog will always grow to its optimum size, with a good healthy diet. Do not over feed to try to get a big dog, as this will only cause health problems, especially in the joints.
On average 3 to 3.5 feet at the shoulder
The average is about 4 feet to 5 feet to the shoulders
Maltese Height is between 8-10" / 20.32-25.4 cm
The average height for an English Mastiff is approximately 30 inches or 2 1/2 feet tall at the shoulders for a male, a female is typically a few inches shorter.
the average height is 5' 5"
58-69 cm is the average height at the wither.
On average 3 to 3.5 feet at the shoulder
15 to 18 inches from the ground to the withers.
On average, a 6 month old male Rottweiler should be approx 22 - 23 1/2 inches. He sounds about right.
I have been around Rottweilers all of my life and have raised them and bred them. The weight of an average male Rottweiler should be 85-135 lbs and a height of 24-27 in tall (mostly considering German Rotts but American Rotts can get taller). An average female Rottweiler weighs 80-100 lbs and a height of 22-27 in. (and again height mostly considering German Rotts)
As with most species, the males (by breed standard) will be larger than the females. The official Rottweiler breed standard (FCI - Standard No . 147 / 19 .06 . 2000 / GB) is set forth by a group known as the Federation Cynologique Internationale, or FCI for short. SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at withers for MALES is: 61 - 68 cm 61 - 62 cm is small 63 - 64 cm is medium height 65 - 66 cm is large - correct height 67 - 68 cm is very large Weight : Approximately 50 kg . Height at Withers for FEMALES is: 56 - 63 cm 56 - 57 cm is small 58 - 59 cm is medium height 60 - 61 cm is large - correct height 62 - 63 cm is very large Weight : Approximately 42 kg
Rottweilers are much bigger. The largest black lab ever is 110 pounds. The largest rottweiler is 150 pounds.
The typical height of a Rottweiler is between 23 and 27 inches at the shoulder. Females are usually at the shorter end of the scale.
Any height between the minimum height of a German Shepherd and the maximum height of a Rottweiler, being the biggest dog. There is no way of completely knowing as he is a mix. And no mix is the same.
The average is about 4 feet to 5 feet to the shoulders
A typical 1-year-old male Rottweiler can range from 22-26 inches in height at the shoulder, and females typically range from 20-24 inches. These measurements may vary slightly depending on the individual dog's genetics and overall development.
This differs with each horse, but the average height of a horse to its withers is 4.7- 6 feet, which is 1430.3 cm to 182.9 cm.