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A boss who scares employees with a stern memo

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Marshon Scott

Lvl 2
βˆ™ 4y ago
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lovely arii

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βˆ™ 3y ago
A politician who persuades voters with a billboard (apex)
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Insaine Assylum

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βˆ™ 3y ago

it’s the music box one, the one that reminds her of her family

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βˆ™ 3y ago
GG Weegee
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Hailee Hills

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βˆ™ 3y ago
thanxx ?
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Khalid Waters

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βˆ™ 3y ago
love it ty ?
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Insaine Assylum

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βˆ™ 3y ago
why do you guys have question marks? this was the only question similar to mine so i put in my answer because other people mind stumble here first like i did- sorry if it’s confusing πŸ˜…
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Brekkan 12

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βˆ™ 2y ago
Thank you so much!!

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Izzy Simmons

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βˆ™ 2y ago

parent who guilts his children into visiting him.

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Lvl 6
βˆ™ 3y ago

A bush that blossoms whenever good times are coming

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Wiki User

βˆ™ 9y ago

Some rhetorical devices include anaphora, alliteration, and hyperbole. Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase in successive phrases (such as 'I Have a Dream' in the famous speech by MLK). Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds - such as the 's' sound in 'she sells seashells by the seashore.' Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration - such as a child telling their parent 'you're the worst mother in the entire world!'

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Argumentum ad hominem is a logical error, but can be used as a powerful rhetorical tool to weaken a position. Attack the record of a person who developed or who holds to a particular position; the attack is easier if there is some crime or other kind of public flaw associated with the person. The idea is that since the person is clearly flawed or inferior in some way, the position (which is in fact independent of any individual's record) must also be flawed, wrong or inferior.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Rhetorical devices are used to illustrate a meaning, persuade someone, or bring out emotions from the reader. Some common examples include alliteration, analogy, metaphor, simile, hyperbole (exaggeration), and onomatopoeia.

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Wiki User

βˆ™ 15y ago

I am a traditional liberal who keeps asking himself, why has there been

such a seismic shift in affirmative action? It used to be affirmative ac-

tion stood for equal opportunity; now it means preferences and quotas.

Why the change? It's because the people behind affirmative action

aren't for equal rights anymore; they're for handouts.

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Ivette Franco

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βˆ™ 2y ago

A clock that’s the only remnant of a clockmaker who died long ago

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Rhetorical devices:

similie, metaphor, themes, paradoxy, irony etc.

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Which one is correct A. Is there any questions B. Is there any question C. Are there any questions?

The first option (Is there any questions) is never right. Depending on what you want to say, the second and third options could work. For example, in discussing a fact, the second option might serve as a rhetorical device: "Is there any question that the moon revolves around the earth?" And the third option is the way we would ask, perhaps the end of a presentation, "Are there any questions?"

What type of theory is the theory of moral criticism A mimetic B expressive C rhetorical D formal?

The theory of Moral Criticism seeks to address the effect/influence that the literature has on the morals of the reader, whether for good or bad.In order to identify which type of theory it is, lets consider brief definitions of the theories offered:A. Mimetic Criticism concerns itself with how accurately the work reflects or mimics real life. To that extent, it can include moral criticism, but not necessarily.B. Expressive Criticism addresses how well the author expresses himself, conveying his thoughts and feelings to the reader.C. Rhetorical Criticism judges how well the writer's symbols (his word choice, form, style, structure and content etc) affect (move, act upon) the reader.D. Formal Criticism appraises a piece of literature on the basis of its form or style rather than its content.While each of these theories approach the matter from different perspectives, option C, Rhetorical Criticism, seems to match the criteria because it considers the effect that the piece of literature has on the reader or audience. But not all literature that affects the morals of the reader is presented by the use of rhetoric, or rhetorical devices. Therefore the theory of Moral Criticism does not, at first glance, appear to be a rhetorical type of theory.However, the theory of rhetorical criticism uses 'rhetorical' in a sense different to the one normally understood. Rhetorical criticism assesses how well the writer's 'symbols' (including 'words') affect the reader. Therefore Moral criticism, which evaluates how well the literature, obviously including its words ('symbols'), affects (influences the morality of) the reader, is clearly a Rhetorical type of criticism, and answer 'C. Rhetorical' would be the correct answer.

How do you spell option?


What is latter and former?

They are words used to reference (usually immediately) previous text. "Latter" points to the last/"after" option in a choice, while "former" describes the prior option. One can also append descriptions to them, sometimes even affixes are allowed. Example: I had missed the bus- which gave me two options in order to get to work (hopefully!) on time: 1) Hitchike; 2) See if my old, broken down car could make it. The former option [number one] was dangerous, so it basically was out of the question. However, if I took my own car [the latter option], several things were thrown into interrogation: 1) I could get to work on time; 2) The car might break down on the road and I would need to get towed; 3) I could DIE! The second option could result in the lattermost [most-last = option #3], and prevent the formermost [option number one]. And of course, just as way of ree:mphasis, the lattermost of the latter choice [meaning option 3 of option 2 (from the first set)] was DEATH. But I had to get there on time...

What is a synonym for alternative?

option, choice, dilemma

Related questions

Which one is correct A. Is there any questions B. Is there any question C. Are there any questions?

The first option (Is there any questions) is never right. Depending on what you want to say, the second and third options could work. For example, in discussing a fact, the second option might serve as a rhetorical device: "Is there any question that the moon revolves around the earth?" And the third option is the way we would ask, perhaps the end of a presentation, "Are there any questions?"

What can we use to replace an existing device driver in windows?

You can replace it from device manager option under computer properties.

What can someone do when their Game Boy Pocket is not working?

Most of the time people will choose to sell there Gaming device online or at a local electronics store, but you will not get much for it. The other option could be to repair or replace by contacting the manufacture or were the device was purchased, make sure you kept the proof of purchase.

How do you poke someone?

Option 1. Jab your finger into someone Option 2. Go onto Facebook and click 'poke back'

Where can someone buy DLP bulbs?

Usually replacement DLP bulbs can be bought at local TV repair stores or warehouses in the area. Another option is to use the repair service of the brand of the device the bulb is needed for.

How can someone get their cell phone unlocked?

You can get your cell phone unlocked through the cell phone carrier you are subscribed to. For example, if you are with Wind Wireless, there is an option on the website to unlock your phone.

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Is there option to move applications to SD card from device?

Yes, you may copy it or move it.

Is a touchscreen an input or output device?

It is both. The output device shows you images on the screen, while the input device allows you to interact with objects on the screen (e.g., touch the screen to select an option).

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Is a touch screen an input device?

Its more of an bidirectional shows u the output graphic data as well as helps u select ur option.........

How can someone get into a company that does forex option trading?

You would want to speak to someone about forex option trading. The two primary options are called spot, or single option trading, and call/put option. You can make a very good amount of money if you invest it into trading.