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Q: What is an entrance or doorway called?
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What is An opening in a wall called?

An opening in a wall is typically called a doorway or an entrance. It can also be referred to as a portal or an aperture.

What is the antonym for portal?

well, the definition or portal is a doorway or entrance so an antonym would be an exit and a synonym would be a doorway.

What is another word for door?

doorway, portal, opening, entrance, entry, exit

What is Another name for entrance?

Another name for entrance is "doorway" or "portal".

What is the entrance to a middle ages European cathedral called?

For the north and south doorway they are called a "porch". The Western end of a church is called a "Galilee porch" in reference to Christ leading his disciples after the resurrection into Galilee.

What is a synonym for doorway?

access, admission, admittance, entrance, entrée (orentree), entry, gateway

In the 6th book when searching for Voldemorts Horcrux what does the doorway from the lake ask for to admit entrance?


What is the beam above a doorway called?

Door lintel

What is the abstract noun form of admission?

The nouns which derive from the verb to enter are entry and entrance.The nouns 'entry' and 'entrance' are abstract nouns as words for admission or access.The nouns 'entry' and 'entrance' concrete nouns as words for a physical threshold, gate, or doorway.

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Where is the underater room in Club Penguin?

When you go to the new mine, continue in the doorway on the other side. Continue on the the other doorway and your there! However, only members can enter this room after rescuing the black puffle on the first level and following the squids shadow to the first entrance.