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A concrete base. A steel, angle-iron, bolted-up frame. Corrugated asbestos cement cladding and roof sheets, attached to the steel frame using steel J bolts.

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Q: What is an arcon built bungalow what materials are used?
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What are the materials used to make bungalow?

A bungalow is the term for a small house. The house is one story and the term came into being in the early part of the 20th century when houses were typically two or more stories tall. This type of home is usually a two bedroom unit, with fewer rooms such as a combined living and dining room. Standard building materials are used for building a bungalow.

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The Egyptian pyramids are built of limestone blocks.

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The materials used to build Atlantis remain a mystery as it is a fictional island mentioned in ancient texts by Plato. There is no concrete evidence of its existence, making it difficult to determine the materials used in its construction.

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There are many materials that mag wheels are built with. They used to be made with magnesium, but are now made with stronger materials like aluminum alloys and plastic.