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The term "electric energy" does not have an antonym. It seems the Antonym Phantonym is back! There may be several alternates to a thing, but if that is the case none of the alternates are called antonyms. They are alternates.

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Q: What is an antonym for electric energy?
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What is an antonym for electricity?

The term "electric energy" does not have an antonym. It seems the Antonym Phantonym is back! There may be several alternates to a thing, but if that is the case none of the alternates are called antonyms. They are alternates.

What is a antonym of energy?

A possible antonym of "energy" could be "lethargy," which refers to a state of lack of energy or sluggishness.

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Breif answer on what is electric energy?

Electric Energy is the energy of the Universe. All energy is electric energy. Gravitational Energy is electric in the sense that matter is held together by electric energy. Briefly, Electric energy is E= - q1q2 zc/r where q is the electric charge, z is the free space resistance and c is the speed of light.

Battery energy is turned into electric energy and then turned into what kind of energy?

Mechanical energy

What type of energy transformation of an electric fan?

Electric energy to kitenic energy

Explain why electric motors and generators are opposites?

Electric motors take electric energy and turn it into kinetic energy Generators take mechanical energy and turn it into electric energy

What device turns electric energy into heat light and motion energies?

An electric bulb, like an incandescent or LED bulb, can turn electric energy into heat and light energy. An electric motor can transform electric energy into motion energy.

An electric generator changes the energy of what?

Electric energy into motion.

Is an x ray solar energy chemical energy mechanical energy electric energy or sound energy?

electric energy

What appliances produces electric energy?

Appliances do not produce electric energy. Electric generators, such as power plants or solar panels, are examples of devices that produce electric energy. Appliances consume electric energy to perform their functions.

What is an apparatus that converts electric energy into kinetic energy?

An electric motor is an apparatus that converts electric energy into kinetic energy by using magnetic fields induced by electric current to generate rotational motion.