I believe you mean Anti-Utopia, a menacing and totally (Negative) society as a fictional device. some of the novels on Atlantis are of this type, the move mis-titled (Captain Nemo and the Underwater City) fictional domain- called Temple Mir (Russian for Peace) might fit inthis category as he abducted people against their will and in effect was a(Slaver) Escape was out of the question as was contact with the surface world. many folks would find this techno-atlantis something of a Concentration Camp atmosphere. Some social commentary was in the film the dictator (Nemo) sought to regale his captives by showtimes such as (All-Seas Day) a sort of nautical Olympics, to keep the people down (and divcert attention formt he darker aspects of the Colony) IT couod have been handled better by setting the tale in, say Interwar Russia and having a sort of Soviet Von Braun as the head man!