One thing that is weird to me about the place that I live in is that in Ottawa, they have something against the color purple! We can't paint our house or garage doors purple. And also, we could get sued for having our house more than two colors!
They are Canadian.
The Canadian law's foundation comes from the British common law system; however, Quebec stills retains a civil system for issues of private law. Criminal prosecutions usually follow the Canadian law.
im gay
canadian law is better than hammurabi's law because hammurabi's law is way more harsher than canadian laws today. of course, if our law was as harsh as hammurabi's today, there would be less crimes. in canadian law, the people who decide if you are going to jail/if you are guilty, have to ask questions to themselves like 'did the accused person of the crime do his actions on purpose','how old is this person...' and it goes on and on. when in hammurabi's law no questions asked you would be killed right away. in my opinion i would rather have the canadian law more than hammurabi's.
No. Normal behavior is good but odd is just weird. Canadians have higher expectations that Americans. Does that help? ---THE CANADIAN
"Weird Al" Yankovic is an American citizen, born in Downey, California.
"Weird" Al Yankovic
They are Canadian.
They are required by LAW to have swag.
One weird law from Utah states that it is unlawful to fish while riding a horse. A person who does not drink milk is violating the law. Another weird law states that it is illegal to bite someone during a boxing match.
Canadian Environmental Law Association was created in 1970.
The Canadian law's foundation comes from the British common law system; however, Quebec stills retains a civil system for issues of private law. Criminal prosecutions usually follow the Canadian law.
Yes they do
Weird Connections - 2008 The Law of the Urinal was released on: USA: 10 March 2009
You remove a law or repeal it by passing another law. Its weird, but it happens all the time.