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Standby phase is in a yugioh duel after draw phase,you could use card effect at standby phase.

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Q: What is a standby phase?
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What are the chances of standby tickets to Conan O'Brien's show?

It all depends. It is very likely to get the standby tickets but this does not mean that you will actually get in. When I went on a Friday in May only the first 15 people with standby tickets made it into the taping. My advice is don't get your hopes up... and line up early!!

How do you diagnose LCD fault finding?

sharps lc37hv4e tv stuck in standby

Is it better to put your computer on standby or turn it off?

Always turn it off, althought computers have standby and hibernate modes, they're not designed to be run constantly, even in a low power mode, severs and the like are the only computers that should be left on all the time.

Who played the standby role of Elphaba Thropp in 'Wicked'?

Six actresses have had the standby role of Elphaba Thropp in the Broadway musical, "Wicked." Two have reprised the role one more time.1. Eden Espinosa (b. February 2, 1978) was the standby for opening night, October 30, 2003.2. Shoshana Bean (b. September 1, 1977) took over on September 7, 2004.3. Saycon Sengbloh (b. October 23, 1977) took over on January 11, 2005.4. Lisa Brescia took over on February 13, 2007.5. Julie Reiber took over on May 18, 2008.6. Jennifer DiNoia took over on February 17, 2009.7. Julie Reiber reprised the standby role on November 3, 2009.8. Jennifer DiNoia reprised the standby role on December 18, 2009.

Who is Elphaba's understudy?

It depends which production you saw, and when. Here are a list of current understudies and standbys for all English speaking productions. Broadway: Jennifer DiNoia (standby), Stephanie Torns (understudy). First National Tour: Mariand Torres (standby), Carla Stickler (understudy). Second National Tour: Anne Brummel (standby), Christine Dwyer (understudy). San Francisco: Felicia Ricci (standby), Alyssa Fox (understudy). London: Nikki Davis-Jones (standby), Stevie Tate-Bauer (understudy). Sydney, Australia: Zoe Gertz (understudy).

Related questions

Can you chain during the standby phase in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, you can chain to a card(s) that activate during the Standby Phase.

Can enemy controller be activated from your hand during the stand by phase to chain with treeborn frog?

In your own standby phase, yeah. It is a Quickplay spell, so can be played from hand in your own turn. You can draw it, then activate it in the Standby phase, tributing Treeborn Frog, then resummon the frog before the standby phase ends.

What are the game phases in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Game phases? If you mean the phases for a turn in Yu-Gi-Oh then here they are: Draw Phase Standby Phase Main Phase 1 Battle Phase Main Phase 2 End Phase

Can your opponent activate a card during your standby phase?

Yes, as long as it is Spell Speed 2 or 3, and Set on the field previously in the case of a Quickplay Spell or Trap card. That means the opponent can potentially do something before you get your first opportunity to activate a spell speed 1 card or perform a summon.

How do you say standby phase in Yu-Gi-Oh in Japanese?

Yūgi-ō sutanbai-shō

When returning from play a Fortune Lady removed by 'Future Visions' does its level increase?

Yes, it will. Both effects happen 'During the Standby Phase'. You will return the Fortune Lady to the field during the Standby Phase, and then it has its own effect waiting to be applied, which will increase its level when you do so.

Would the card effect of alchemy cycle become almost infinite on cards such as treeborn frog or fox fire because they can keep coming back after being destroyed by battle?

Unfortunately, no. The offical website says in the Individual Card Rulings section: If you Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" during your Standby Phase, then it's sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it's Tributed for "Enemy Controller"), you can Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" again that same Standby Phase. Otherwise you could draw through your entire deck! :D

Where does the selected card go if 'Different Dimension Capsule' is destroyed before its next standby phase?

It remains removed from play, face-down.

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What is the plural word standby?

The plural form of the noun 'standby' is standbys.

What is the disadvantage of using power transformer?

Disadvantages of power transformers depend on the type of transformer. Some disadvantages to three phase power transformers include greater cost of standby units and issues with repairs should one phase fail or be damaged.

If you use Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua's effect with Timeater's will you get rid of your opponent's turn?

Timeater will prevent them having a Main Phase 1, and Chacu Challhua will prevent them from having a battle phase. As per regular turn structure, you must enter your battle phase if you want to have a Main Phase 2, so they will not get one in this case. The opponent's turn will therefore go Draw, Standby, End Phase.