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Q: What is a mineral whose common name is salt?
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What is the common well known name for the mineral halite?

The common name for the mineral halite is salt.

What is Name of the common mineral salt present in seat?

The common mineral salt present in seawater is sodium chloride, or table salt. It is the most abundant mineral in seawater and gives the ocean its characteristic salty taste.

What mineral has a common name of salt?


Can minerals be salt?

Halite is the common name for salt and, yes, it is a mineral.

Mineral whose common name is salt?

The mineral commonly known as salt is sodium chloride, which is formed from the chemical combination of sodium and chlorine ions. It is commonly used as a seasoning and preservative in food, and can be found in both underground salt deposits and seawater.

What is name of common mineral salt present in sweat?

The common mineral salt present in sweat is sodium chloride, also known as table salt.

What mineral has a common name with salt?

The mineral formed from sodium chloride is called halite.

Mineral whos common name is salt?

The mineral is halite, whose main chemical component is Sodium Chloride (NaCl). Halite is an evaporite mineral - i.e. it forms as a result of evaporating water leaving behind dissolved chemicals as mineral deposits.

What is the Common name of halite?

Halite is the common name for naturally occurring salt. It is very common as a mineral and in it's dissolved state is the salt found in the sea and the ocean.

What is the common name for halite the mineral and sedimetary rock?

Halite is sodium chloride (rock salt, table salt).

What is the name of the mineral salt?

Mineral salt is a broad term that refers to any naturally occurring salt containing essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Some common types include Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, and Epsom salt.

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