Zachary ñZackî Addy is a fictional character from the television shows Bones. The actor that portrays Zack Addy is names Eric Millegan. This character is no longer a regular on the show.
Zach Rosenblatt
Alicia Favela.
Angela's real name is never revealed.
Her original name was Joy Keenan.
The Lovely Bones is based on a real story. The name of the character is not real, but the story is.
Eric Millegan
Zachary Israel "Zach" Braff is his real name.
is addy walker real
His real name is Mohd Addy Ashraf
Zach hompsan
Debby Ryans Real Msn Addy is
Kim Rhodes
Jordan Calloway
Zach Rosenblatt
Ghostrobos name is zach and everyone calls him that name☆
Sorry Demi Lovato doesnt have a addy now !
Bones's real name is Joy Keenan but she goes by Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan.