Western New Mexico University's motto is 'A University Worth Discovering'.
The motto of Western New England University is 'Latin'.
In Latin it is Crescit eundo. (It grows as it goes.)
The motto of Netherlands New Guinea is ''.
The New Jersey state motto "Liberty and prosperity" became the state motto in 1928.
New Line Cinema's motto is 'Inifilm'.
The motto of Western New England University is 'Latin'.
New Mexico is in the northern hemisphere.
New Mexico Military Institute's motto is 'Duty, Honor, Achievement'.
The motto of New Mexico Association of Student Councils is 'New Mexico's premier student leadership organization.'.
The New Mexico motto is Crescit eundo. This is a Latin phrase which translates into English as it grows as it goes.
Eastern New Mexico University's motto is 'Student Success-That's What It's All About'.
Farmington High School - New Mexico -'s motto is 'Feel the Sting!'.
it is "It Grows As It Goes"It grows as it goes.
New Mexico is in the Western Hemisphere.
Western New Mexico University was created in 1893.
The motto of Western New England University School of Law is 'Scientia Integritas Servitium'.
The western border of Arizona is with California, not New Mexico. New Mexico is east of Arizona.