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Per Mere, Per Terram "by Sea, by Land" it was a battle honour to a royal marine victory in the American Revolutionary War, if you want the commando ethos look:

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Royal Naval Commandos's motto is 'In Primo Exulto '.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps's motto is 'Be Worthy'.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Royal Marines Band Service's motto is 'Per Mare Per Terram'.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The motto of Royal Marechaussee is 'Zonder vrees en zonder blaam'.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Semper Fidelis, which means Always Loyal

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)

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Q: What is the motto of Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps?
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When was Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps created?

Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps was created in 1901.

What sort of cadets are there?

There are Army Cadets (Army Cadet Force - UK), Air Cadets (Air Training Corps - UK), Sea Cadets (Sea Cadet Corps) and the Royal Marine Cadets which is closely linked to the Sea Cadet Corps as well as non-military youth organizations. In the US, The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is a youth citizenship program with units administered by either the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard in American high schools. The Civil Air Patrol also runs a Cadet program. Cadet is the first rank given to those who attend the various US Military Academies. There is a group called 'The Calvinist Cadet Corps' which is Christian youth organization for boys. The Canadian Cadet Organizations comprise of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. In Australia, a "Cadet" is a person aged between 13 and 20 who is a member of the Australian Defence Force Cadets (ADFC). In Bangladesh the students of Cadet colleges are called Cadet. Hong Kong has Sea Cadet Corps, Adventure Cadet Corps, and Air Cadet Corps. In India, the National Cadet Corps is a voluntary cadet organization for motivating college students to pursue a career in the Indian Armed Forces. In New Zealand, the cadet forces are the Air Training Corps (ATC), the New Zealand Cadet Corps (NZCC) and the Sea Cadet Corps (SCC). There are three cadet corps in Singapore: the National Cadet Corps, National Police Cadet Corps and the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps. Some sports teams also use the term cadet for players who are in training to play for the team at a later time. Cadet is also used for those in training for police jobs.

What is an air cadet?

An air cadet is a person who is a member of the Air Cadet Association - a youth organization sponsored by the Royal Air Force which manages the Air Training Corps and the Combined Cadet Force.

How many female marines are there in the marine corps today?

give or take 175,000 about 10 % are female

Where did William Faulkner join the Royal Flying Corps?

William Faulkner joined the Royal Air Force (RAF), not the Royal Flying Corps. He joined the RAF's Cadet Corps in 1918 during World War I.

Was The Marine Corp ever a part of tha army?

No. The Marine Corps is a department of the Navy. The Marine Corps was started November 10, 1775 at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA. as the Continental Marines and are considered "direct descendants" of the British Royal Marines.

What is the motto of National Cadet Corps India?

The Australian Army Cadets' motto is Courage, Initiative, Teamwork The Canadian Army Cadets motto is Acer acerpori

What has the author Richard Anson written?

Richard Anson has written: 'A list of Catholic officers on the active list of the Royal navy, Royal marines, Royal naval reserve, R.N. volunteer reserve etc., December 1918' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Great Britain. Royal Marines, Great Britain. Royal Naval Reserve, Great Britain. Royal Navy

Do you have to be in the royal marines to be in the army?

The Royal Marines are part of the Royal Navy and nothing to do with the Army.

How many marines serve right now?

If your referring to United States Marine Corps: 202,779 active (as of October 2010) 40,000 reserve (as of 2010) And Royal Marines: 7,420 active 970 reserve

When did Royal Marines Division end?

Royal Marines Division ended in 1943.

When was Royal Marines Division created?

Royal Marines Division was created in 1940.