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147 is Mesprit and is found in the cave in the middle of Lake Verity after you complete the Spear Pillar.

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15y ago

Number 139 is Milotic and the Pokemon League Champion Cynthia has it in her party or you can level up a Feebas with high level beauty

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15y ago

What KIND of pokedex are you talking about National or Sinnoh Pokemon 134 In National Pokedex is: Vaporeon Water-Type Pokemon 134 in Sinnoh Dex is: Finneon Water-Type

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10y ago

Milotic is number 139 in the Sinnoh Pokédex, and Omastar is number 139 in the National Pokédex.

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14y ago

it is Vaporeon he is 134>

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13y ago

It's Omastar.

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Q: What is number 139 in the Sinnoh pokedex?
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What is Pokemon number 139 on Pokemon Diamond?

That depends. In the Sinnoh Pokedex, #139 is Milotic. In the National Pokedex, #139 is Omastar.

In Pokemon Diamond what Pokemon is 139?

If you have the sinnoh pokedex, number 139 is milotic(milotic evolves from feebas). If you have the national pokedex, number 139 is omastar(omastar evolves from omanyte).

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In the Sinnoh Pokedex it is Feebas and Milotic, however, in the National Pokedex it is Omanyte and Omastar.

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There is no number 152 in the Sinnoh Pokedex however number 152 in the National Pokedex is Chikorita.

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