I'll tell you both.John Adams said,"There are two types of education...One should teach us how to make a living,And the other how to live."He was a very good man.Now,here's his bad son,John Quincy Adams.He said,"Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman,before which difficulties disappear and vanish into air."I got these quotes from a book called "presidents,all you need to know"I hope this helps you.
During the presidential campaign of 1796 Adams was the presidential candidate of the Federalist Party. He stayed in his home town of Quincy rather than actively campaign for the Presidency. He wanted to stay out of what he called the silly and wicked game. His party, however, campaigned for him, while the Democratic-Republicans campaigned for Jefferson. It was expected that Adams would dominate the votes in New England, while Jefferson was expected to win in the Southern states. In the end, Adams won the election by a narrow margin of 71 electoral votes to 68 for Jefferson (who became the vice president
Tyler did not have a campaign slogan. He tried to run re election as a third party but withdrew so that Polk could have his votes
Both Kennedy and Johnson used the sloganLEADERSHIP for the 60's. Kennedy's campaign brochure also used the slogan TIME FOR GREATNESS
As Coolidge succeeded Warren Harding following his death in 1923, he did not have a campaign slogan for his first term. Calvin Coolidge's 1924 campaign slogan was "Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge".
William H. Harrison and John Tyler
Equally for all
John Adams
Tyler did not have a campaign slogan. He tried to run re election as a third party but withdrew so that Polk could have his votes
submit slogan idea Trump campaign
His campaign slogan was "I like Ike".
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
John Adams Vs. Thomas Jefferson
Both Kennedy and Johnson used the sloganLEADERSHIP for the 60's. Kennedy's campaign brochure also used the slogan TIME FOR GREATNESS
John F. KennedyDid you know:A time for greatness 1960 U.S. presidential campaign theme of John F. Kennedy (Kennedy also used, "We Can Do Better").
Roll with Rock
The alien and sedition laws which Adams approved of, were quite unpopular and were a campaign issue, since Jefferson who was running against Adams was against them .