Because it is one of the best known comets in the world.
Comet Hale-Bopp (formally designated C/1995 O1) was arguably the most widely observed comet of the twentieth century, and one of the brightest seen for many decades. It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months.
A comet is a type of object that orbits the Sun. "Halley's comet" is just one specific comet.
A comet is a type of object that orbits the Sun. "Halley's comet" is just one specific comet.
A comet is a type of object that orbits the Sun. "Halley's comet" is just one specific comet.
A comet is a type of object that orbits the Sun. "Halley's comet" is just one specific comet.
That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,
We expect the only Halley's Comet there is to return to the inner solar system in 2061. That means it'll get close enough to the sun so that we can see it, but we can't tell yet exactly how close to earth it's likely to get.
Comets are flying bits of rock that don't enter the earth's atmosphere and meteors are flying bits of iron stone or stony iron. Also meteors do enter the earth's atmosphere.
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of theperiodic comets and can currently be seen every 75--76 years. Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986, and will next appear in mid-2061.
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No. It's a comet.
whats halleys comet nicknames
See related links
halleys comet
in 2061 or 2062
early 2062
halleys comet
Nobody made Halley's Comet, and there isn't any purpose to its existence. It simply is.
Halley's Comet is currently a little beyond the orbit of Neptune.
Around the earth and past the sun.