Artichoke - Seetha palam.
palam is the Tamil equivalent for fruit.
Seetha fruit. Fruit in Tamil : Palam. Seetha Palm is Custard Apple and not Artichoke.
I will have to go with tamil.
Jathipathri is the Tamil word for hazelnut.
Do you mean tamil year names like tiruvalluvar year, banu year etc??
Peach is called குழிப்பேரி in tamil.
ulagam kunnaipoo
Seetha fruit. Fruit in Tamil : Palam. Seetha Palm is Custard Apple and not Artichoke.
Artichoke; Aubergine
artichoke artichoke
a big artichoke
jerusulem artichoke
An artichoke bottom is the edible fleshy receptacle at the bottom of an artichoke flower.
the artichoke symbolizes peace
The plural of artichoke is artichokes.
Artichoke is the correct spelling.
No, a cocktail artichoke is a standard artichoke that grows in the shadow underside of the plant. It gets less sun so it doesn't develope as large as your common globe artichoke.