Comment s'appelle ta mère? in French is "What's your mother's name?" in English.
sud is translated South in English.
Translated to English, the Japanese word Rai stands for Lightning.
Chute in French means a "fall" in English.
The Reverend Henry Williams and his son.
Comment? in French is "How?" in English.
"How?" in English is Comment? in French.
Comment est is translated "how is..." in English.
Comment est-il? in French means "How is he/it?" in English.
Comment est votre...? in French means "How is your...?" in English.
"How are you?" in English is Comment allez-vous? in French.
Comment tu fais? in French means "How do you do it?" in English.
Je suis comment? in French means "How am I?" or "What do I look like?" in English.
Comment t'appelles-tu? in French means "What are you called?" or "What is your name?" in English.
Comment ça va? in French means "How are you?" in English.
how is she like?
"How do you spell it?" in English is Comment s'ecrit-il?in French.