The game does not allow you to sell key items and the Secret Potion is a key item.
the Pokemon champion Cynthia gives it to you after you chase the team galactic grunt to lake valor
You get it from the genie that you meet in Jubilife City if you do not see the genie then you must return the game and ask for a full refund immediately, but before you can see the genie you need to release your starter Pokemon.
The One Billionth Hamburger Sold Macdonalds Was On September 29 1997
A trade is a form of medium of exchange, hence goods sold from one place to another are exchanged between two partners in the different area.
If one lives in a larger city, there is probably an Indian community where all types of Indian items are sold. One could purchase a CD with songs from Hindi movies in that location. The RAGGA website would be another option.
If you used it on Psyduck or gave it to the gym leader, you won't ever need it again.
there is not a secretpotion in Pokemon silver Daniel robertson
The secretpotion does not exist in SoulSilver, due to there being no use, therefore this question is void.
To get the secretpotion, you first have to have talked to Jasmine. She will then direct you to the Pharmacy in Cianwood. If the guy does not give it to you, then it means you have to beat Chuck first.
go 2 cianwood city's pharmacy.the man at the counter will give u a secretpotion after u have seen amphy(the sick ampharos in the lighthouse)
to the pysducks ;)
Get the SecretPotion from Cynthia
She will be north from Solaceon Town
You have to get the SecretPotion from Cynthia.
You need the SecretPotion, which you get from the pharmacy in Cianwood City. You have to talk to Jasmine in the Lighthouse first before you get the SecretPotion.
Buy it, or get a friend to send you one.
The serum you are talking about is actually called a secretpotion. You have to go to Cianwood City's pharmacy. Once you talk to the clerk, he'll give you the secretpotion to give to the Ampharos in the lighthouse.