Matt lanter full name Matthew Mackendree Lanter
matt lanter
dry spicks
matt lanter plays edward sullen
Edward Cullen will be played by Matt Lanter in Vampires Suck.
Yes! Hottie Matt Lanter plays Liam in 90210:)
Matt lanter full name Matthew Mackendree Lanter
Matt Lanter is married, not dating. He married Angela Stacy in June of 2013.
Matt Lanter
He was born in April 1, 1983 which means he is 26
Matt Lanter's birth name is Matthew Mackendree Lanter.
Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983.
Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983. Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983. He is now twenty-nine years old.
Matt Lanter is known to speak only English.
Matt Lanter is 34 years old (birthdate: April 1, 1983).
nothing has been reported on a movie for hush hushyet, but i really hope there is. i'd love to see Matt lanter (Liam off 90210) play patch, he's perfect.
Matt Lanter did have a girlfriend and her name is Sabrina Wilson but know one knows weather they are still dating.