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Q: What happens to a crystal in a restricted area?
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How does forming. In a restricted space affect the structure of a crystal?

the mineral formed in a restricted space. compares a cyrstal that grew in an open space with one that grew in a restricted space.

How does forming a restricted space affects the structure of a crystal?

the mineral formed in a restricted space. compares a cyrstal that grew in an open space with one that grew in a restricted space.

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What is a sentence for restricted?

Please stay clear of the restricted area.

How do you get the restricted area in the trophy garden open?

you cant its restricted

What happens when you bend a salt crystal?

The crystal is broken.

Does forming a crystal in a restricted space affect the structure?

Yes, forming a crystal in a restricted space can affect its structure. The limited space may apply pressure on the crystal lattice, causing it to adopt a different arrangement or orientation than it would in a more open environment. This may result in altered physical properties or crystal symmetry compared to a crystal grown in unrestricted conditions.

Why is area 51 Nevada restricted?

It is restricted because it is a military installation.

How does forming in a restrictef space affect the structure of a crystal?

Forming in a restricted space can lead to less freedom of movement for crystal growth, resulting in a more ordered and compact crystal structure. This can promote the formation of specific crystal faces and influence the overall shape of the crystal. Restricted space can also induce strain in the crystal lattice, potentially leading to defects or unique properties.

If you observe a Team Charleston member not wearing their restricted area badge in a restricted area you should?

both A and B