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Zed merges with Amir Gaul at the end of Kiba (Zed's eyes are now blue and he has wings). Zed then arrives in his hometown Calm to bring back the wind. Then he says "Let's go Amir Ghaul" and he flies away, perhaps to visit Templer.

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Q: What happens to Zed and Amer-gal in the end in Kiba?
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Does Kiba find paradise?

Did you watch the whole series? If you didn't, you just need to watch it 'till the end. You will know at the end if Kiba did. i agree with ^ *No, you guys u have to actually answer it. This is Not Yes, he did find paradise but died when he found it. But he was reborn and finds Cheza as a flower again. The end.

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Kiba and Sakura are just friends. They don't have any kind of romantic relationship among them and it doesn't seems that they will ever have one.

Does kiba end up with anyone?

well......I am sure and not sure the same time but he will end up with Hinata and yeah he will I always do research and see their moments :) since naruto does not love hinata but hinata used to love him so who could end up with hinata????!! who else than Kiba :)

What Naruto Shippuden episode has Hinata jumping in water with kiba and shino in the background?

okay, watch naruto shippuden 87 and wait to the end. this is after end ;)