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Naruto fought pain because pain killed jiraiya.And naruto become the sixth hokage

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Q: What happens in Shippuden episode 143?
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What episode of naruto is sasuke vs killerbee?

Naruto Shippuden episode 143 love that episode :3

What Shippuden episode does kabuto revive atasksui?

Naruto shippuden episode 221

Did they make a Naruto Shippuden episode 179?

Yes, a Naruto Shippuden episode 179 was released.

What happens in th last episode of Naruto Shippuden?

there is no last episode of naruto shippuden. the last chapter realised is about naruto fighting pain from akatsuke. he has mastered sage mode and is now more powerful then jaraya. pretty cool.

When does Hinata show up in Naruto Shippuden Episode 1?

She doesn't. Hinata shows up in episode 33 in Shippuden.