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At anime conventions, some voice actors who play the voices of anime characters go and sign Autographs and answer questions for fans about them. You can cosplay, and there are sometimes cosplay competitions, such as best dressed and most original. There are often anime screenings, AMV contests, workshops, and role playing. It's a really fun experience, over all!

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15y ago
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13y ago

There ae multiple things to do at anime conventions:

1. Go to panels - Panels are were you can learn more about your favorite anime shows, meet favorite voice actors, or even learn Japanese culture. The panels all depend on what the anime con. you plan on going to.

2. Shop - There is usually a Artist Alley and a Dealers' Room. Artist Alley is where you can buy original fanarts from indie artists and the dealers' room is where you could buy anime, manga, cosplay items, ect.

3. Cosplay contests - This is were you could enter as your favorite character from an anime/video game. Usually winning prizes if within the first 3 places.

4. Raves - Usually on the last night of an anime convention there is a rave. A rave is a dance with glow sticks, ect.

There is so much more to do at an anime con. and it all depends on which con. you are going to. So look up cons in your area to find out more :).

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Google Anime Conventions for that year and you should get results for just about every anime convention all over the US!

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