All ships are a she. Titanic was one of three Olympic class ships. Her sister ship Brtannic was sunk during WW1 when being used as a hospital ship. he but it has a sister britannic that fell too.???
female because the women and children got on the life boats first
There were separate quarters for unattached women and men on Titanic but there was no segregation by gender per se. There were accommodations for women and men,like the reading room and smoking room, but neither were expressly forbidden from the other.
Answer: It's the name of a ship. Titania is a girl's name. Answer: titanic is not a name, it's an adjective. =ic: Sufix. Used to make a noun into an adjective; meaning having the charactoristics of, as prefixed, bubon-ic: Having the charactoristic of being bubus: boil. The Titans were male, and female. Titanic: Having the characteristics of a Titan male/female
BECAUSE THEY FELT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
female because the women and children got on the life boats first
When Titanic's officers and crew were putting people in boats, they did not save the men first - but if they filled the boats regardless of gender, more people would have lived.
1,347 men, as opposed to 103 women. 53 children, but I can't find the children broken down by gender.
There were separate quarters for unattached women and men on Titanic but there was no segregation by gender per se. There were accommodations for women and men,like the reading room and smoking room, but neither were expressly forbidden from the other.
It wasn't gender that was important in the Titanic, but social status. The wealthy had the best cabins, food, and treatments. The next level was the middle class passenger. They were comfortable, but not to the extent the wealthy was on the upper decks. The two decks were kept separate and apart. Finally, there was steerage that held the poor and immigrants. They were locked in and couldn't leave. Steerage was below water level and when the ship sank it was the people in this class who couldn't get out and drowned.
Answer: It's the name of a ship. Titania is a girl's name. Answer: titanic is not a name, it's an adjective. =ic: Sufix. Used to make a noun into an adjective; meaning having the charactoristics of, as prefixed, bubon-ic: Having the charactoristic of being bubus: boil. The Titans were male, and female. Titanic: Having the characteristics of a Titan male/female
BECAUSE THEY FELT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Titanic was not hit. An iceberg was struck by the Titanic.
The Titanic band boarded Titanic as 2nd class passengers. Titanic's band were just the entertainers for 1st class.