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Most definantly the convection

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Q: What force of nature is responsible for continental drift?
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Explain what force caused the movement of the continents from one super-continent to their present positions?

Continental drift :)

How Does Seafloor Spreading Effect Continental Drift?

the primary force that causes the seaffloor to spread and contienents to drift

Why couldn't identify the force that pushed or pulled the continents and why?

Your question is unclear. Who couldn't identify the force behind continental drift?

Why did geologist rejects Alfred idea of continental drift?

He didn't have proof of a force causing the movement

What force caused the movement of the continents from one super-continents to their present position?

Continental drift :)

What two forces did Alfred Wegener suggest were responsible for the movement of the continents?

Alfred Wegener suggested that the two forces responsible for the movement of continents were continental drift (the movement of continents across Earth's surface) and sea-floor spreading (the formation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges).

What is the primary force that cause the seafloor to spread and continental to drift?

The primary force that causes the seafloor to spread and continents to drift is plate tectonics. This process is driven by the movement of molten rock in the Earth's mantle, which generates forces that push apart tectonic plates, leading to seafloor spreading and continental drift.

What force did Wegner believe caused continental drift?

Wegner believed that the force causing continental drift was the movement of the continents through the Earth's crust, driven by the gravitational forces associated with the rotation of the Earth. This movement was theorized to be a result of the continents floating on the denser, underlying mantle layer.

What force causes movements of the the continents from one super continent to their present positions?

The reason is because of glacial desposits. The other reason is because of ice bergs and continental drift.

What force of nature is responsible for binding quarks with one another?

The strong nuclear force is responsible for binding quarks together within protons and neutrons. This force is carried by particles called gluons and is one of the four fundamental forces of nature.

what is the force that caused the movement of continents from one supercontinent to the other?

The force responsible for the movement of continents is known as plate tectonics. This is driven by the movement of molten rock beneath Earth's surface, which creates convection currents that push and pull the tectonic plates, causing them to move and shift over time.

What is the basic driving force for plate movement?

The basic driving force for plate movement is convection currents in the mantle. Heat from the Earth's core causes the mantle rock to flow in a circular motion, moving the tectonic plates above it. This movement of the plates is responsible for processes such as seafloor spreading, subduction, and continental drift.