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Q: What extent had civil rights been achieved by 1968?
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What makes it illegal to refuse to rent to someone who is disabled?

The Civil Rights act of 1968

What did the 1969 civil rights act focus on?

There were the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, but I don't think there was a Civil Rights Act of 1969.

How did the civil rights act of 1964 and the civil rights act of 1968 influence federal governments policy of affirmative action?

hoe did the civil rights act of 1964 and civil rights act of 1968 influence the federal goverments policy of affirmative action

Where was the Civil rights act signed?


What year did civil rights movement ended?


The civil rights act of 1968 for bade by selling or renting of houses or apartment?

The civil rights act of 1968 forbade renting or selling property based on race.

Native American civil rights movement?

The Native American civil rights movements sought equal treatment and basic civil rights for Native Americans. In 1968 the Indian Civil Rights Act was passed and it granted Native Americans many civil rights.

What banned housing discrimination?

The Civil Rights Act of 1968

Who was assissinated in 1968 during the civil rights?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at Memphis Tennessee. He was a driving force during the Civil Rights Movement.

When was the African American rights movement?

The African-American Civil Rights Movement(1955-1968)

When did the African American civil rights movement end?

It ended in 1968

What happen on April 11 1968?

President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1968 Civil Rights Act.