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John Cabot, an explorer for King Henry VII of England, landed in Newfoundland in 1496 CE. Though he is the first explorer to land in Newfoundland, the Icelandic Sagas state that a Viking named Leif Ericson landed in the same place in 1001 CE.

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Q: What explorer landed in present day Newfoundland?
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What explorer landed on the coast of present-day Newfoundland giving England a basis for claims in North America in 1497?

John Cabot, an Italian explorer commissioned by King Henry VII of England, landed on the coast of present-day Newfoundland in 1497. This expedition provided England with a basis for its claims in North America.

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Giovanni Caboto is the name of the Italian explorer who landed in Newfoundland, Canada, but thought that he had found Cathay. The Italian-born explorer in question, known as John Cabot to English-speakers, landed in present-day Canada's northeastern extension even though he thought that he had reached ancient China. The pronunciation of the explorer's name will be "djo-VAN-nee ka-BO-to" in Italian.

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Who was the Italian explorer who landed in present-day Newfoundland but told people he found cathay?

john Cabot -----Giovanni Caboto (known in English as John Cabot; c. 1450 - c. 1499) was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of North America is commonly held to be the second European voyage to the continent since Christopher Columbus a few years earlier.

What was Lief Ericsson searching for?

His name is Actually Leif Eriksson, and he wasn't searching for anything he got lost on his way to Greenland and landed in present day Newfoundland. He established a settlement there but it didn't last.

Where did John Cabot land in America?

There is no clear record of exactlywhere Cabot landed when he arrived in the new world. Some historians think it was as far north as Labrador and others think it was as far south as New England. Most historians, however, think Cabot landed on the Isle of Newfoundland, and probably at Bonavista.

Where did Jacques cartier explore?

Cartier explored the St. Lawrence river trying to find a route to Asia. Also he traveled threw newfoundland in present day Canada. And was the first explorer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence A.K.A present day Quebek

Who created Vinland which is present day Newfoundland?

Leif Ericson.

In which present day country is Newfoundland located?

Canada "Newfoundland and Labrador" is a province of Canada, the vast majority of its population residing on the island of Newfoundland.