Lucas Cruikshank
NO, ICarly did not kill Fred, there for internet sensation Fred is not dead nope it sis not even happen its just a show come on now!!! dont be a freak
The first episode of Icarly, "iPilot" and "iWant more viewers",aired on September 8th, 2007.
its realy
I don't know but on iTunes the "iPilot" iCarly episode is free
i am such a big Fred of fan and he has already been in an episode of icarly where they meet him and he stops making Fred videos because of icarly and everyone starts to hate icarly so they meet up with him and he says that he made i Carly and his Fred videos more popular an he doesnt really stop making Fred videos its my fav episode of icarly im obsesses with Fred and lucas cruikshank
Freddie trashes the Fred videos and everyone starts hating Icarly.
iMeet Fred
CABBAGES are the widely held belief.
Well firstly his name is Freddie and secondly he is in every episode of iCarly. Catch it on Nickelodeon!
Lucas Cruikshank
Yes. it will be shown as a rerun
yes there will be the date is February 16,2009 i just heard bye
It is on at 6:30 centrel
The iCarly episode with Fred in it has the real voice of Lucas.
Lucas Cruikshank (let's call him by the real name, people!) or Fred was on iCarly on February 16, 2009 at 7:30 PM. This episode is being replayed over at YouTube, and on Nick.
Actually, they made it before iCarly because if you look in the introduction with the song "Leave it all to me", it has Spencer and dthe ostrich yawning. i looked carfully after the Fred on Icarly episode came out and on his shirt the R is backwards! You shopuld try and see if you can see it.