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Deidara and Tobi searches for the 3 tailed around shippuden 100-104...but they havent captured it yet. They caught the 3-tails in episode 112 around the 17th minute.

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Naruto Shippuuden Episode 40-44

Orochimaru is insulting Sasuke and talking about him like he's a toy; in front of Naruto. Naruto, Sai, and Sakura challenge him, but Naruto is too angry, and loses control. He goes 1 tail, and fights Orochimaru. He eventually goes 3 tails. He then goes 4 tails, turning him into a demon. He gains incredible power.

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Q: What episode does naruto go 9 tails?
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What episode does sakura over hear about naruto 9 tails?

Somewhere between "Naruto" and "Shippuuden"

What episode number does Naruto attack jiraiya?

the episode is uknown during naruto shippudin tunada kakashi and jarya and yamoto discus about how dedly the nine tails are and that the max that naruto can control is 3 tails and if he reaches 9 tails he will die so the awnser is when thay have the discusion jairiayahas a flash back i don't know what the epp. is though and the max ive seen naruto go is 6 tails

When does Naruto turn into 6 tails?

It's Naruto Shippuuden episode 167 (and the very end of 166 when Hinata "dies")-----------------------------------------------------------------EPISODE SPOILERS Below!4 NaruHina fans THIS IS NOT A FANFIC166 is the most NaruHina episode of the entire series. Hinata tries to defend Naruto who has been immobilized even though her opponent could and will kill her without breaking a sweat. Naruto wants her to leave before she gets hurt. She explains to him the influence he had on her life when he was treated so wrongly. Meanwhile she has flashbacks of Naruto and how he "saved" (influenced) her and she eventually tells him that she loves him and "dies". When Naruto thinks that she is dead he becomes so enraged that he goes into his 4-tailed state and soon after six and eventually eight-tails. Later (after episode 166), Hinata awakes to Sakura healing her and Sakura realizes that Hinata loves Naruto. - Given By Mewia (Youtube: Dragonsember)

Which episode does Sasuke fight the 8 tails?

I don't remember which episode exactly it is, I only remember it is after the episode where Sakura Haruno begs Naruto to go out and find Saske. And then the episode where they fight is a whole load of flashbacks until Naruto uses his released state (eight tailed fox), and Saske uses his.

Does Naruto reach five tails?

In naruto shippuden he reaches 9 tails when fighting pain, and he shatters the necklace, but eventually controls the 9 tails' chakra.

Does the 4th Hokage want the 9 tails out of Naruto?

He feels sympathy toward Naruto, and in a way, yes, and no, He doesn't want Naruto to suffer, but unfortunately, if 9-tails gets let out, 9 tails will kill every one.

When does Naruto get all 9 tails?

No, but naruto did go to tails up to 4 tailed in Shippuden, and up to 8 tails in the Manga during Pain's (Nagato) invasion.One problem, Naruto does hit Nine Tails in Shippeuden during the Pein Invasion. It shows it on Yamato-taichou's hand.

If Naruto gets angry enough can he go five tails?

Honestly i dont remmber how many tails he has had but if possible he can get all 9 tails but then the fox demon has utter control over naruto or is possibly unleashed.

Will naruto master the 9 tails?

yes he does

Who Is Kurama in Naruto?

The 9-tails or Kyuubi.

Does Naruto ever release the fox?

the naruto has ever made it is to 8 tails and that was by accident he made 9 tails but the 4th sealed it and reveled that naruto is his son so naruto was the 9 tails for a split second when pein sealed him in a rock sphere thing.

Who made the 9 talis?

in naruto who made the 9 tails