The griseous orb boosts Ghost and Dragon-type moves, and allows Giratina to stay in Origin forme as long as it is held
Well, the Griseous Orb transforms Giratina into it's other forme in Platinum so, you can't actually get a Griseous Orb in Diamond. But if you trade Pokemon with someone who has platinum (and Giratina origin form) you can remove their griseous orb and give it to your giratina, it may change forms.
Well, since the Griseous Orb is an Item you can trade it to D/P cause Giratina is in D/P.
in girantinas dimension in platnum, im pearl umust reach giritinas resting place in the fewest moves and it will be there
No it is only for Pokemon platinum
give it to Giratina and it turns into its Sky form
The Griseous Orb is only available in Pokemon Platinum.
you need to have the griseous orb. to find the griseous orb. just search up the griseous orb and let giratina hold it. he will then change to origin forme
It is called the Griseous Orb.
You cannot get the Griseous orb in Pokemon Diamond. You can only get it in Platinum, Heartgold, and Soulsilver and it is untradeable
The griseous orb cannot be gotten in diamond. it's a platinum exclusive.
you cant
yes you can trade that kind of orb
Well, the Griseous Orb transforms Giratina into it's other forme in Platinum so, you can't actually get a Griseous Orb in Diamond. But if you trade Pokemon with someone who has platinum (and Giratina origin form) you can remove their griseous orb and give it to your giratina, it may change forms.
Well, since the Griseous Orb is an Item you can trade it to D/P cause Giratina is in D/P.
In sendoff spring
give it to a garintna and it will change forms
in depends. can you be more specific?