There are many locations on a map that 'Banque' could refer to. Banque de France (the French Central Bank) is located in France, in the capital city of Paris.
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HBC was an English company, it never worked for France. As a matter of fact, it competed with the French traders.
the word hexagon is used as an alternative name for France itself because of the general shape of the country, which fits (very roughly) in an hexagon.
Metropolitan France is often referred to a 'l'Hexagone, and is indeed roughly hexagonal in shape.
The states of matter in Physics refer to the forms that phases of matter take on. If you took science in school, you may remember that the four states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.
the family is spelled 'la famille' in France. The meaning is the same as in English.
the text subject matter.
the texts subject matter
"Physical substance" is typically the term used to refer to matter, which is anything that has mass and occupies space.
Because Germany invaded France- they were given little choice in the matter.
That seems to refer to the MASS.
It's a matter of opinion some say Spain others say France.
In France, Santa Clause is known as Pere Noel. Around the world, different countries refer to him as different names.
A person who lives in Paris, France, is called a Parisian by other people; a Parisian will often refer to himself as a Parigo.
These refer to the different states that matter can change into.
That may refer to the mass, measured in kilogramms. It may also refer to something quite different: the number of moles.