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As a noun, the word can be either "kyss" (def. kyssen, pl. kyssar) or "puss" (def. pussen, pl. pussar). The verb is either "kyssa" (pr. kyssar, pst. kysste, sup. kysst, imp. kyss) or "pussa" (pr. pussar, pst. pussade, sup. pussat, imp. pussa).

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Många Kyssar.

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Q: What does kiss mean in Sweden?
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What are facts about Sweden mean?

It means some facts about Sweden. What else would it mean? Idiot.

What does Coyote Kiss mean?

When you kiss someone and give them a little bite while your doing it

What are the ratings and certificates for Kiss the Blood Off My Hands - 1948?

Kiss the Blood Off My Hands - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Norway:16 Sweden:15 West Germany:16 (nf)

What does God Jul Mean in Sweden?

merry Christmas

What does Natalie mean in Sweden?

It's a girls name.

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What are the ratings and certificates for Kiss and Tell - 1945?

Kiss and Tell - 1945 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:S Sweden:15

What does Xxx mean at the end of a message?

Kiss Kiss Kiss.

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Sun Shadows Faithful Kiss - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:11

What are facts about Sweden mean?

It means some facts about Sweden. What else would it mean? Idiot.

What are the ratings and certificates for Kiss of Fire - 1955?

Kiss of Fire - 1955 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 West Germany:12 (nf)

What does kiss kiss in between your bottom lips mean?

means 2 kiss hunny

She asked to kiss you then back out what does this mean?

she wants you too kiss her

What does it mean to kiss like a princess?

is means you kiss good.

What does kiss don't kill mean?

kiss don't kill

What does MUAH mean in texting message?

It's a Kiss.

Does Chu mean kiss?

No, "chu" does not mean kiss. In certain contexts, "chu" is an onomatopoeic word frequently used in Japanese to describe the sound of a kiss.

What are the release dates for Kiss Loves You - 2004?

Kiss Loves You - 2004 was released on: Sweden: 8 April 2004 (TV premiere) USA: 11 November 2007 (DVD premiere)