Kaltxì (pronounced kal't'ɪ) is a Na'vi greeting, equivalent to the English "hello".
haha. There's no such thing as avatar language.
in the game you have two people a navi and a rda member and you get to shoot your side so if you shoot the rda member you are on the navi side if you shoot the navi you are on the rda side.I hope this information helps and enjoy your game.
Actress Navi Rawat
The difference is that the Marines and Navi are both devoted and dedicated to their respective self interests which are incompatible ; that is , they look after their own interests to the detriment of the other .
The distance between Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India is about 35 km. It takes about 47 minutes to drive the distance.
a new thing. (Navi)
Navi is 5' 11".
haha. There's no such thing as avatar language.
When Navi turns green in Ocarina of Time, it means there is nothing of interest in that direction or no important information to share. Navi turning green indicates that the location or object is not relevant to your current quest or situation.
Perini Navi was created in 198#.
The population of Navi Mumbai is 1,119,477.
Navi Dhanoa is 5' 11".
Navi Rawat is 5' 6".
Oh boy. Which one? There are dozens of "ghost guys." I hope you mean the guy dressed like a ghost Navi: he'll give a Poltergeist chip after you beat the game and can be found in the hospital basement behind the tree. If you mean ghost Navis, well, there are . . . how many did I say again? Oh, right. Dozens. The ranked Navis up to 7 are ghost Navis, the Navi who gives you the Legendary Tomes job is a ghost Navi, and just about every Navi in the Secret Area is a ghost Navi. Kinda hard to tell you where they all are. Specific locations for the ranked Navis are available under different questions, and the Navi for job 21 is in HadesNet.
Navi Rawat was born on June 5, 1977.
Navi Rawat was born on June 5, 1977.
Iranian singer Mahsa Navi was born in 1978.