N = Neutral (Black Wire, usually) L = Live (White Wire, usually) FG = Frame Ground
It fell from the first storey.
it is easy to fall on a icy day because the ground is very slippy and our shoes dont always have good enouhg grips for the ice.
It all depends on how high or low to the ground you are once you fall. For example, if you fall off of a bridge that is 600 ft high, you would die. If you fall off of a 30 ft building or so, you might come out with serious injuries. If it is about 1 or 2 ft, then you would be fine!
9th Annual State of the Black Union Breaking New Ground - 2008 TV was released on: USA: 3 August 2008
plummeted means to fall from a plane and not to have a parachute that will protect you from hitting the ground to hard.
It is the root and hopefully it will fall off soon
from volcanic material that erupted from volcanic hole to the atmosphere and fall again into ground and gather in volcano areas
Perhaps you mean Terminal Velocity, as in a parachute fall? This is the maximum speed reached in the fall. Final velocity will be zero, assuming you arrive on the ground.
It means that a bird with black feathers flew above you and lost one of his feathers.
Did you black out because you fell, or did you fall because you blacked out? In the former case, perhaps you tripped and then suffered a concussion as a result of your fall. In the latter case perhaps you have a serious neurological disorder such as narcolepsy or epilepsy.
Fall can mean one of the 4 seasons of the year. Fall can also mean tripping and landing on the ground. Fall can also mean someone doing something that makes them look bad or foolish, as in " a fall from grace."
Dropping your keys on the floor simply means accidentally letting them fall from your hand to the ground.
why do the blooms fall from the trees before they ripen & fall to the ground? please forward answer to www.fslawson@win.org thank you
Cantaloupe develope on a ground-growing vine. Because it grows on the ground, it cannot "fall" for it is already on the ground. Complete folklore.
"The ground gave way" means that the ground collapsed or crumbled beneath something or someone, typically leading to a sudden fall or sinking. It suggests instability or weakness in the ground that caused it to break apart or give in.
It makes the ground fall ^_^