Another way of saying that you've gotten sick is that you've "lost your health". So when you're getting better again you are "regaining your health".
"So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health."
If you buy a game on the PSN, you can delete it whenever you want - all you need to do to regain it is go back on the PSN and redownload it for free.
France did regain the eastern regions of Alsace and Lorraine, which it had lost in the 1870 war against Prussia.
Ask Robin Williams
heroes are defined to me by their humanity. Only after Achilles accepts his fate and comes to terms with his own mortality does he regain his humanity and onlt then can he be considered a hero.
"Recover" means to regain health, strength, or normal state after an illness, injury, or setback.
recover is the answer :)
"So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health."
Regain health, regain ammunition. only ones you need til you beat it
You can have horlics with french omlette to regain health
do it again exampel "redo the dishes"
Women's suffrage is the right for women to vote, and there is no effort to rmove or 'regain' this right since the passage of the 15th amendment.
Jayfeather does not and will not regain his eyesight.However,he can see in his dreams and visions(I mean when he looked into Ivypaw's thoughts of her killing all of Thunderclan). Sorry,that was a spoiler.
"Re-" typically means "again" or "back" in words such as regain, relapse, and relish.
restore Western Europe's economic health. help Western Europe regain economic stability.
yes it can it will take great srength and determination to regain full health but you can do it
Odysseus regain .............................