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Q: What does it mean if you and your partner palms match?
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Translation: Palms

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You are going to get married

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29 Palms is the name of a city in California, United States of America.

If you do not like your partners family does this mean that they are not a good match for you?

Not at all! Your partner's family has nothing to do with the love between you and your partner. Sure, family get-togethers may be a little more hard to deal with, since you don't like his/her family, but if you really, truly, loved your partner, you'd put up with his/her family for them.

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The art of Giant Palms

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The persons characteristics are the same also.

If you died would your ex-partner be next of kin to your daughter?

If you mean business partner, no. If you mean life partner who is the daughter's parent, yes. If you mean life partner who is not the parent, not unless you name them in the will to be the guardian of your daughter.

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any version. the match maker will come

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Either that your partner was driving the other car or the partner was in your car.

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