It means that Top Gear have put that car on the Cool column. These are the ratings; Seriously Uncool, Uncool, Cool and Sub-zero.
It means that more gear oil is put into the gear box in order to have it at the right level.
being in top gear means you cant shift no more and means your going fast as your bike will allow and by bottom gear you mean low gear which means your in lowest gear possible.
it doesn't have a rating^lWell of course it doesnt have a rating dummy, i think that's what 'Not Rated' MEANS!
Pressure rating for underwater
M1 Fire Rating
it's mean cool water rating, find on hoses , valves..etcwater service equipments.regards,Majed
It needs a rebuild.
AO rating mean Adults Only
what is the power rating of energy
Means the person with the A rating is trustable
Low gear
Do you mean what does it mean, acording to me, There is no GP rating anymore, it is not used anymore, besides it mean General Patronage.
Low Gear normally it means 1st gear
Incorrect gear ratio in first gear.Incorrect gear ratio in first gear.
a wheel
There is no gdje rating for theatrical films in the United States.
"Gear" can mean two different things. In engineering /tech speak, a gear is a way of trading power for speed, or the other way around, as is done in the gear box/transmission of a car for instance. But "gear" in everyday language can simply mean "stuff", "things" or "equipment". You can have swimming gear, safety gear, camping gear etc.