your face. and you suck because i know you want to cheat on your homework
She defends the Socs in many ways. She is close to Ponyboy and they both have something in common -- they both love to watch the sunset. You might have noticed that I used the word
"Both" meaning that they are the same. They are not different from each other. Like Blacks and White. There is no difference between each other. Hope this helped.
Ponyboy tells Cherry about the incident when Johnny was jumped by the Socs, providing details such as how they were outnumbered, how they were badly beaten, and how Johnny was traumatized by the attack. He also mentions how Bob, Cherry's boyfriend, was involved in the assault, which adds a layer of complexity to their relationships and the tensions between the Greasers and the Socs. Ponyboy's account of the incident helps Cherry understand the gravity of the situation and the deep-rooted animosity between the two rival groups.
Cherry probably gave information about the socs to warn them if the socs decide to attack/ jump someone.
Either in the line at the concession stand, or when they are walking home.
he reminds her because he is trying to tell her that it really doesn't matter if she is on the west side and he is on the east side its still the same sunset. Also to show that greasers and socs have a lot of things in common.
He Starts Crying and walks off and he gets stabbed
Ponyboy tells Cherry about the incident when Johnny was jumped by the Socs, providing details such as how they were outnumbered, how they were badly beaten, and how Johnny was traumatized by the attack. He also mentions how Bob, Cherry's boyfriend, was involved in the assault, which adds a layer of complexity to their relationships and the tensions between the Greasers and the Socs. Ponyboy's account of the incident helps Cherry understand the gravity of the situation and the deep-rooted animosity between the two rival groups.
the answer is that greasers have a different set of values, their more emotional. socs are more sophisticated, cool- to the point of not feeling anything.
Cherry probably gave information about the socs to warn them if the socs decide to attack/ jump someone.
Cherry tells Ponyboy that she can't visit Johnny in the hospital because the Socs and Greasers are enemies, and it wouldn't be safe for her to be seen with him.
Ponyboy tells cherry the story of when Johnny gets beat up.
Either in the line at the concession stand, or when they are walking home.
he reminds her because he is trying to tell her that it really doesn't matter if she is on the west side and he is on the east side its still the same sunset. Also to show that greasers and socs have a lot of things in common.
He Starts Crying and walks off and he gets stabbed
that he lives with his brothers, and his parents are dead
The OutsidersChapters 3-4Summary: Chapter 3Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny walk to Two-Bit's house with Cherry and Marcia so that they can give the girls a ride home. As they walk, Ponyboy and Cherry talk about Ponyboy's brothers. He notices how easy it is to talk to Cherry. When Cherry asks Ponyboy to describe Darry, he says Darry does not like him and probably wishes he could put Ponyboy in a home somewhere. Johnny and Two-Bit are startled to hear that Ponyboy feels this way, and Johnny says he always thought the three brothers got along well.After Ponyboy tells Cherry about Sodapop's old horse, Mickey Mouse, the two move on to discuss the differences they perceive between Socs and greasers. During this discussion, Ponyboy and Cherry find they have a surprising amount in common-for instance, they both like reading and watching sunsets. Ponyboy voices his frustration that the greasers have terrible luck while the Socs lead comfortable lives and jump the greasers out of sheer boredom. Cherry retorts that the Socs' situations are not as simple as Ponyboy thinks. They decide that the main difference between Socs and greasers is that Socs are too cool and aloof to acknowledge their emotions and that they live their lives trying to fill up their emotional void, while the greasers feel everything too intensely. Ponyboy realizes that, although they come from different classes, he and Cherry watch the same sunset.A blue Mustang cruises by the group. The Mustang belongs to Bob and Randy, Cherry's and Marcia's Soc boyfriends. The Mustang pulls up beside the group, and Randy and Bob get out. Ponyboy notices that Bob wears three heavy rings on his hand. The greasers and Socs nearly get into a fight, but the girls agree to leave with their boyfriends to prevent violence. Before leaving, Cherry tells Ponyboy that she hopes she won't see Dally again, because she thinks she could fall in love with him.Ponyboy walks home and finds Darry furious with him for staying out so late. In the ensuing argument, Darry slaps Ponyboy. No one in Ponyboy's family has ever hit him before, and Ponyboy storms out of the house in a rage. He feels sure now that Darry does not want him around. It is after two o'clock in the morning. Ponyboy finds Johnny in the lot where the greasers hang out, and he tells Johnny that they are running away. Johnny, who lives with his abusive alcoholic father, agrees to run away without hesitating. The boys decide to walk through the park and determine whether they really want to leave.Summary: Chapter 4The park is deserted at 2:30 in the morning. Ponyboy and Johnny go walking beside the fountain. It is cold out, and Ponyboy is wearing only a short-sleeved shirt. Suddenly the boys see the blue Mustang from earlier that night. Five Socs, including Randy and Bob, jump out of the car and approach them. Presumably, the Socs have come to get even with the boys for picking up their girlfriends. Ponyboy can tell they are drunk. Bob tells Ponyboy that greasers are white trash with long hair, and Ponyboy retorts that Socs are nothing but white trash with Mustangs and madras shirts. In a rage, Ponyboy spits at the Socs. A Soc grabs Ponyboy and holds his head under the frigid water of the fountain. Ponyboy feels himself drowning and blacks out. When he regains consciousness, the Socs have run away. He is lying on the pavement next to Johnny. Bob's bloody corpse is nearby. Johnny says, "I killed him," and Ponyboy sees Johnny's switchblade, dark to the hilt with blood.Ponyboy panics, but Johnny remains calm. They decide to go to Dally, thinking he might be able to help them. They find Dally at the house of Buck Merril, his rodeo partner. He manages to get the boys fifty dollars, a change of clothing for Ponyboy, and a loaded gun. He instructs them to take a train to Windrixville, where they can hide in an abandoned church. Ponyboy and Johnny get on a train, and Ponyboy goes to sleep. When they get to Windrixville, they hop off the train and find the church, where they collapse into exhausted sleep.That is a detailed version but this is a shorter version:CHAPTER 3: In the third chapter, Ponyboy, Two-Bit, andJohnny walk to Two-Bit's house so they can give the girls a ride home. A blue Mustang cruises by the group. Randy and Bob get out. Bob wears three heavy rings on his hand. The girls agree to leave with the Socs toprevent violence. Ponyboy falls asleep inthe park and Darry's mad at him for not using his head. Darry slaps Ponyboy and he runs out of thehouse. Ponyboy tells Johnny that theyare running away and Johnny runs away without hesitating. The boys later decide to walk through thepark to cool off.CHAPTER 4: The park is deserted and Ponyboy and Johnnygo to the fountain. The boys see theblue Mustang. Five drunken Socs jump them.A Soc grabs Ponyboy and holds his headunder the water of the fountain and Ponyboy blacks out. When he regains consciousness, he is lying onthe pavement next to Johnny and Bob is dead.Johnny killed him. Ponyboy andJohnny decide to go to Dally. He givesthem supplies and Ponyboy and Johnny get on a train. When they get there, they hop off the trainand find the church, where they fall asleep.
She said that bob was a sweet and gentle person most of the time, but when he's drunk he gets in a mood.
Ponyboy believes that other Greasers will end up like Dally because of how they look at life, and how they take it: violent and desperate. Ponyboy also believes this because of Johnnyβs death and Dallyβs death, they might start hating themselves and blaming themselves for their deaths.